Commissioner Peirce Gives A Sneak Peak At SEC Priorities

At the end of January 2025, SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce, who finally is not on an island alone within the SEC top brass, gave a speech at the Northwestern Securities Law Institute giving some insight into what we can expect from the SEC under the new administration.

Commissioner Peirce has been vocal over the years about her disdain for bringing political and social issues into SEC reporting and compliance management for public companies, however now, working with like-minded executives, she has solid ideas for a path forward.  First and foremost, a public company should have the goal of maximizing value for its shareholders as a group.  Unfortunately, in today’s world, public companies are often forced to answer to activists, non-shareholder “stakeholders” and the like, forcing executives to utilize company resources to further these groups (or individual’s) favorite cause.  Commissioner Peirce notes that “[D]irectors and executive officers serve shareholders and society best by keeping the companies they guide focused on