OTC Markets has Modified its OTCQB Eligibility Criteria Effective May 1, 2014

 OTC Markets has unveiled changes to be quoted on the OTCQB, which changes become effective May 1, 2014.  The OTC Markets changes are designed to attract venture investors to provide more information to investors and to improve such information with Real-Time Level 2 quotes.  The OTC Markets press and informational releases related to the change concentrate on the push to create a successful venture-stage marketplace by removing underperforming companies.


The www.otcmarkets.com divides issuers into three (3) levels: OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink.

Issuers on the OTCQX must be fully reporting and current in their reporting obligations with the SEC and also undergo a quality review by industry professionals.  Issuers on the OTCQB must be fully reporting and current in their reporting

OTC Market Groups Has Modified Its Alternative Reporting Standard Effective January 3, 2013


Over the past few years, the historical “pinksheets” has undergone some major changes, starting with the creation of certain “tiers” of issuers and culminating in its refurbished website and new url “www.otcmarkets.com”.  The www.otcmarkets.com divides issuers into three (3) levels: OTCQX; OTCQB and pinksheets.

Issuers on the OTCQX must be fully reporting and current in their reporting obligations with the SEC and also undergo a quality review by industry professionals.  Issuers on the OTCQB must be fully reporting and current in their reporting obligations with the SEC but do not undergo additional quality review.

Issuers on the pinksheets are not required to be reporting with the SEC.  However, such issuers are then further qualified based on the level of voluntary information provided to the www.otcmarkets.com.  Issuers with no information are denoted by a skull and crossbones, Issuers with limited financial  and business information are classified as “limited information and Issuers which provide information as set forth in the