Structuring The Private Placement Or Venture Deal – Part 1
Back in 2013 I wrote a series of blogs about preparing for and then structuring a private placement or venture deal. In today’s world where public markets are more difficult to access for smaller companies, it is a topic worth revisiting. There are three primary aspects to the private placement or venture capital arena. The first is getting dressed for the ball – i.e., preparing a company to be viewed and assessed by investors including the due diligence process; the second is determining valuation or deciding to avoid a determination through convertible instruments; and the third is structuring and documenting the deal itself.
In this two-part blog series I will discuss each of these aspects. This first part addresses pre-deal considerations including valuation considerations. Part two will address structuring and documenting the deal.
Although structuring a private placement and negotiating with a venture capital group are very different, the underlying mechanics of investments are universal. In a venture capital
Structuring The Private Placement Or Venture Investment- Pre-Deal Considerations
I recently blogged about how to determine valuation in a start-up or development stage entity for purposes of structuring a prepackaged private placement, or for negotiating the venture capital transaction. I followed that blog with one explaining the various types of financial instruments that can be used for an investment.
Before a company can package a private placement offering or effectively negotiate with a venture or angel investor, it has to have its proverbial house in order. This blog circles back to the beginning discussing pre-deal considerations.
In order to successfully attract quality investors, a company must have its financial and legal house in order. I always advise my clients to act as if they are public, even if they never intend to go public. What is meant by that is to maintain proper corporate books and records. Draft and sign minutes of meetings of the board of directors, officers or committees. Keep systems in place to make
Structuring The Private Placement Investment- Development Stage Or Start Up Company Valuation
The question:
As the economy has been gaining strength, so have the number of entrepreneurs seeking private equity investments through pre-packaged structured private placement offerings, and negotiated venture and angel capital sources. A question that arises almost daily in my practice is how to determine a valuation for a development stage or start-up venture. Determining a valuation is instrumental to answering the overriding questions of what percentage of a company is being sold and at what price.
The Answer:
For business entities with operating history, revenue, profit margins and the like, valuation is determined by mathematical calculations and established mathematically based matrixes. For a development stage or start-up venture, the necessary elements to complete a mathematical analysis simply do not exist.
In the case of a pre-packaged private placement offering for a development stage or start up venture, valuation is an arbitrary guess, a best estimate. In the case of a negotiated investment with a venture capital or angel
SEC Approves Revision to FINRA Rule Regarding Broker Dealer FINRA Filing Requirements for Private Placement Offerings
On June 7, 2012 the SEC granted accelerated approval to a FINRA rule change regarding broker dealer FINRA filing requirements for activities associated with private placement offerings. The rule was originally drafted to address disclosures that must be provided to investors prior to an investment and disclosure that must be provided to FINRA following a sale in a private placement, regarding use of proceeds, the amount and type of offering expenses, and all offering related compensation to be paid to placement agents, finders, associated persons and the like.
Summary of Rule Change
FINRA Rule 5123 (Private Placements of Securities) has been amended to require that each FINRA member firm that participates in a private placement of securities file with FINRA a copy of any private placement memorandum (PPM), term sheet, or other offering document used in connection with a sale, within 15 days of the date of the first sale and any material amendment thereto, or provide a notice to