Financial Reporting Manual Updated

On January 30, 2023, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance updated its Financial Reporting Manual (“Manual”). The latest update is dated as of December 31, 2022. Although we attorneys like to leave the accounting to the accountants, the Financial Reporting Manual is a go to resource for all practitioners and is generally one of the many resources always open on my desktop.
As the preamble to the Manual states, it was originally created as internal guidance to the SEC staff. In 2008, in an effort to increase transparency of informal staff interpretations, the SEC posted a version of the Manual to its website. The SEC continues with its usual disclaimers that the manual is not formal guidance and that they can change their interpretations or views at any time, etc. Regardless, we all use it as a resource and in my years of experience, have never had the SEC take a counter-position to the Manual’s guidance unless there has been