Understanding the Shareholder Meeting Timeline

Proxy season is fast approaching. Whether it is for an annual meeting or special shareholder meeting, clients are always asking how quickly they can schedule a shareholder meeting, or where action is taken by consent, how quickly the company can effectuate such consented upon action. The answer depends on several factors, including whether the meeting is a special or annual meeting, if annual, whether there are any “non-routine” items on the agenda, and whether the company intends to mail out all proxy materials or just a notice of internet availability of such materials. Although I have written about the proxy rules many times, this is the first blog where I drill down and focus on the timeline.
The federal proxy rules can be found in Section 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) and the rules promulgated thereunder. The rules apply to any company which has securities registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act. Section 14
SEC Re-Opens Comments On The Use Of Universal Proxy Cards
On April 16, 2021, the SEC voted to reopen the comment period on the proposed rules for the use of Universal proxy cards in all non-exempt solicitations for contested director elections. The original rules were proposed on October 16, 2016 (see HERE) with no activity since. However, it is not surprising that the comment period re-opened, and it is not as a result of the new administration. The SEC’s Spring and Fall 2020 semi-annual regulatory agendas and plans for rulemaking both included universal proxies as action items in the final rule stage. Prior to that, the topic had sat in the long-term action category for years.
In light of the several years since the original proposing release, change in corporate governance environment, proliferation of virtual shareholder meetings, and rule amendments related to proxy advisory firms (see HERE) and shareholder proposals in the proxy process (see HERE), the SEC believed it prudent to re-open a public comment period.