SEC Proposes New EDGAR Rules

On September 13, 2023, the SEC proposed rule and form amendments to the EDGAR system dubbing the updates as EDGAR Next. The rule changes are meant to enhance security and improve access to the EDGAR system. My view is that will accomplish the former and not the latter. The changes would require EDGAR filers to authorize identified individuals who would be responsible for managing the filers’ EDGAR accounts. Individuals acting on behalf of filers on EDGAR would need individual account credentials to access those EDGAR accounts and make filings. As part of the proposed rule changes, the SEC is making a beta software public for testing and feedback which software would eventually be used by filers if the proposed new rules are implemented.
The proposed rules would amend Rules 10 and 11 of Regulation S-T and amend Form ID. Only the identified authorized individuals would be able to access a filer’s EDGAR account. The authorized individual(s) need not be