Covid-19 Disclosures – Not Just Speculation Anymore
Now that the market can review and dissect two quarters of Covid-related disclosures and reporting companies are gearing up for third-quarter reporting, Covid disclosures are no longer pure speculation. Following the two official guidelines released by the SEC (Disclosure Guidance Topic No. 9A which supplemented the previously issued Topic No. 9), a new CD&I issued on Covid-19 executive employment benefits, and numerous unofficial statements and speeches on the topic, the investment community and reporting companies are navigating the areas that require the most attention and thoughtful disclosure. Not surprisingly, the areas requiring the greatest consideration are management, discussion and analysis (including human capital disclosures and forecasting), risk factors, and internal controls over financial reporting.
Covid-19 “Benefits” – SEC Issues New C&DI
On September 21, 2020, the SEC issued a new compliance and disclosure interpretation (C&DI) related to the reporting of compensation perks or benefits. In particular, the SEC stated that:
In reporting compensation for periods affected by Covid-19,
Disclosures Related To Covid-19 – What Investors Want To Know
I’ve written several times about the need for Covid-19 disclosures including public statements by Chair Clayton and William Hinman, the Director of the Division of Corporation Finance and the SEC Division of Corporation Finance Disclosure Guidance Topic No. 9 regarding the SEC’s current views on disclosures that companies should consider with respect to COVID-19. For my summary blog on the topic, see HERE.
As I’ve previously mentioned, my personal thought is that although there are many reasons why disclosure is important, it is especially important now to support investor confidence, activity in our markets and capital raising efforts. If investors are kept informed of the impact of COVID-19 on companies, see that these companies are continuing on and meeting their requirements and that the markets haven’t just fallen into Neverland, they will continue to invest through the trading of securities, and direct investments through PIPE transactions. Further on the broader economic level, transparency and information will bolster confidence on