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Laura Anthony Esq


Form 144

Widespread “Dealer” Litigation Is Almost Over!

In August 2024, then SEC Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda made a public statement against the rampant enforcement proceedings against small cap investors claiming violations of the dealer registration requirements (see HERE).  Fast forward to today, now Chair of the SEC, Mr. Uyeda, is sticking by his contentions and finally, after eight long years of numerous enforcement proceedings, is directing the SEC to roll back its position.

What Happened

This week, the SEC enforcement division entered into two joint motions halting ongoing litigation claiming violations of the dealer registration rules.  The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts entered an order in the case involving Auctus Fund Management staying the case while the parties wrap up an agreement to end the litigation.  Under the agreement Auctus will not seek attorney fees from the government or pursue a review of the enforcement action.

In the filing, Auctus said “[T]he parties have reached an agreement in principle to dismiss this

Form 144 Must Now Be Filed Electronically

On June 3, 2022, the SEC adopted amendments to the EDGAR filing rules, including requiring the electronic filing of Form 144.  This is not something that I would normally blog about; however, as the change will directly impact securities counsel, it is worth a short explanation.  Also, since the original amendment to require the electronic filing of Form 144 was part of a proposed Rule 144 amendment that would have eliminated tacking in calculating the holding period for variable rate convertible instruments, it is definitely newsworthy.

Form 144

Rule 144 requires the filing of a Form 144 – Notice of Proposed Sale – by affiliates when the amount to be sold under Rule 144 by the affiliate during any three-month period exceeds 5,000 shares or units or has an aggregate sales price in excess of $50,000.  A person filing a Form 144 must have a bona fide intention to sell the securities referred to in the form within a


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Laura Anthony Esq

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